How will I know what time to arrive for my procedure?
Lankenau Hospital will call you the day before your procedure, between the hours of 3:30PM and 7:00PM, to tell you what time to arrive. If you do not receive this call by 7:00PM, you may call the hospital directly at (484) 476-2167. PLEASE DO NOT CALL OUR OFFICE.

Where do I go for my procedure?
Use Valet Parking at the Main Entrance of the hospital. Enter Main Entrance and check in at the Admissions Suite on the 1st Floor of the Rosengarten Building.

What medications should I stop the week before my procedure?
Certain medications can thin the blood which increases the chance of bleeding. These medications may need to be stopped several days prior to the procedure. Please Click Here for further information.

Can I eat before my procedure?
No. You must stop eating solid foods at midnight before your procedure.

Can I drink before my procedure?
You may drink clear liquids up to eight hours before your procedure (water, 7-up, apple juice).

What medications should I take the morning of my procedure?
Take your usual blood pressure medications with a sip of water on the morning of your procedure.
Do not take your Diabetes medication because you have not eaten. Bring the meds to the hospital with you.

Do I need someone to take me home?
If you receive intravenous sedation, You must have someone to accompany you home following your procedure. You may not drive.